
The ultimate retail partnership platform

Harmonizing collaboration between sellers and brands for scalable growth.

New look at retail partnership

Our mission

The mission is to courage retail collaborations by facilitating operations between sellers of all sizes and brands. Tabernis will enable brands to maintain control over who can sell their product lines, how to present them, and the entire order delivery process. We want sellers to keep focus on growing their businesses, while Tabernis will eliminate the need to maintain partner's product line delivery.

For Sellers

Promote your store

You don't need to choose which brand to expose, yours or partner's. Tabernis provides an opportunity to place partner's products just right on your e-store.

Cut the Double Shipment down

Don't waste your client's time on Double Shipment since every collaborator is responsible for the owned product line delivery.

Strengthen brand partnerships

Cultivate lasting relationships with like-minded brands and stores to create mutually beneficial marketing initiatives and co-branded campaigns.

How it works

Create a Tabernis e-store
Find a partnership opportunity
Collect revenue
Sell your products
Add partner's products to your store

For Brands

Showcase your products

Gain exposure by featuring your products in the diversed storefronts, reaching their unique audiences, and expanding your brand's visibility.

Drive sales

You don't need to choose which brand to expose, yours or client's. Tabernis provides an opportunity to place partnering products just right on your website.

Supervise Brand presence

Build direct collaborations with current or new sellers. Take control over product pages, markups, descriptions, and specs, ensuring your brand is presented exactly as you envision.

How it works

Create a Tabernis Brand account
Place your products right on their store
Track & Analyse results
Collaborate with the best sellers
Boost sales by increasing exposure

Everyone win

Brands win – Sellers win

Brands win

Build direct collaborations with current or new sellers
Simplify onboarding for new D2C sellers with Tabernis partnership management system
Live partnership sales analytics at your fingertips
Tabernis order management system allows Shopify integration as well as custom integration solutions development

Sellers win

Quick and smooth e-store creation without any maintenance costs
Set up an e-commerce shop, sell products, and boost your catalog with a variety of brand collaborations
Cross-sell products from different vendors
Forget about any promo codes or referral links to partners, hold focus on your e-store traffic gain
Let's simplify and amplify your retail experience with Tabernis!

2023 Tabernis. All rights reserved.